A traditional paint designer of water painting, Qiu Qingnian, has spent his fifty-three years doing the work of searching natural paint materials, making paint for water painting and designing the art of paint. He strives for catching painters’ senses and feelings so as to meet their requirements. He insists on his principle that do what you chose to do, without care of any return.
About the Filmmaker
Submitted by LIU Qinglu
Graduated from Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou College of Commerce with a major in journalism, Lin Qinlu has produced several short documentary films such as “Leno” (《杭罗》), “The Postman in Mountains” (《山区邮递员》),”Pet Detectives” (《宠物侦探》), “Laugh maker” (《逗笑师》), “The Restoration of Time” (《古墓壁画修复》) and “Dancer on the leave” (《叶雕》), which feature in a non-fiction property that describes the true personalities and living status of filmed people.
Filmmaker’s Website: http://www.ergengtv.com/