Stories Lived

AMA VETMotorsports: A Place Where You Belong

More than 2.8 Million Americans have served since 9/11. Among them, 6,840 perished fighting the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan. During that same time, 115,566 veterans gave up their lives to a different enemy…suicide. is a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting this issue by focusing on activities, engagement and empowerment through involving veterans in motorsports activities and professions.  The organization is passionate in their goal of helping veterans by capitalizing on their love of motorsports.

This is a story of VETMotorsports work in action on July 30th, 2016. Two post 9/11 veterans were given the opportunities to work on an AMA Grand National Triumph motorcycle team at the Dirt Track at Charlotte Motor Speedway.

Produced/Edited: Tanner Iskra
Shot with Samsung Galaxy S-5 and iPhone 4S cell phones.


About the Filmmaker
Submitted by Tanner Iskra

Former Marine combat videographer, Tanner Iskra is currently a senior post production editor with NASCAR Productions in Charlotte, NC. He produces, directs and edits short films, documentaries, music videos, trailers, and public service announcements in his spare time. Pulling from his experience, he has a passion for telling stories that involve American heroes.

When Tanner is not working he likes to spend time with his amazing wife, travel, and further his knowledge in media production.

Filmmaker’s Website: