Carol Kozak said goodbye to her first born, 16-year-old Shelly, after a two-year battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Shelly’s death had a powerful impact on the Kozak family, but after some time, they healed.
Fast forward to 2014 to Emily Kozak, Shelly’s would-be niece and Carol’s granddaughter. Doctors told Carol that cancer does not run in the family. Yet, 30 years after hearing Shelly had cancer, Carol learns that her granddaughter was diagnosed with the same form of leukemia that took her daughter away.
With grace and bravery, Carol, Emily’s mother Tiffany, and Emily herself, all face challenges no family should have to endure.
About the Filmmaker
Submitted by Julie Selby
Julie is a recent Kent State University graduate who submerses herself in video work. She has traveled to Korea, Japan and Costa Rica to create documentaries during her college career. She is always learning and always improving her video work, and hopes to make a career out of the artistry of storytelling.