Stories Lived

“Yishi” Band

Founded in 2010, “Yishi” Band (衣湿乐队) boasts a special kind of performance that features in Yibin dialect. The band takes folk music as the root and combines it with other music elements such as jazz, folk mountain songs, local operas and sailors’ work songs, to sing the stories of Yibin City and showcase the variety of life.


About the Filmmaker
Submitted by CHEN Miaomiao

Graduated from Journalism, Chongqing Normal University, CHEN always holds the topics of work with international views and contemporaneity. Since 2016, CHEN works for Ergeng as the director in its Sichuan Branch, familiar with new media & short film creation. She is also able to find the valuable topic of films acutely, and to catch the beauty of audio-visual language in her work. She used to cooperate with the BBC’s journalist Peter Hessler in the project “Return to Chongqing” which describes the effcts of three giant social events “the Three Gorges Programme”, “ the Tide to the South”, “Reform of Normal Schools” on a small town in China. “YISHI” Band, a documentary telling a young man YOU Miao who left his home to pursue dreams, but in the end YOU became a dialect singer who blended his eager with his hometown.

Filmmaker’s Website:

陈渺淼 毕业于重庆师范大学新闻学专业 创作内容多样,主题皆具有时代性与国际视野。2016年4月至今 就职于四川二更文化传媒有限公司导演一职,熟悉新媒体短视频创作 有敏锐的价值选题发现能力,具有较强的视听语言审美能力。代表作品有:美领馆合作选题《重返江城》通过BBC记者Peter Hessler,讲诉了社会大事件“三峡工程”“南下热潮”“师范院校改革”对一个中国小城镇的影响;《俄罗斯森林》,通过何多苓的新作俄罗斯森林系列,反映了“文革”特殊时代下,中国艺术家他们作品与身上抹不去的时代印记;《白夜永明》,翟永明用女性的诗歌震撼了文坛,影片则用她与白夜酒吧的故事,传达了女权的独立;《忘川》讲述了小镇青年游淼离开家乡南下沿海逐梦却不忘,最終将热爱与家乡结合起来 成为了一名方言歌手的故事。《1987我们的红楼梦》“贾宝玉”欧阳奋强在离红楼梦开播30年之际发起了红楼聚会,并将30年前的台前幕后整理成书的故事。(《剑道浮生》《Icy的异想世界》等;)参与创作2016中国年度十大纪录片《纪录四川100双手》中的《物感艺术家》一集;

2014年12月至2016年2月 就职于广东广播电视台。代表作品:真功夫2015企业形象微电影《人情味更浓》等;