A Russian girl falls in love with a Chinese Poet, and she came to China, for him, as well as his land’s culture.
About the Filmmaker
Submitted by ZHAO Wen
She started filming and editing when she was 24 years old. Her short video features her own travel. Now, she has released over 30 videos that are more than 4 minutes. Her videos even get reposted by the state-run media People Daily. Her single video gets more than ten million views. It’s the luckiest thing that I can turn my hobby into a career. I hope I can get a chance to make a long video which is also my biggest dream.
Filmmaker’s Website: http://www.ergengtv.com/
24岁才开始自己拍摄剪辑 以自己的旅行为主题做短片 至今片长4分钟左右的片子 已发表30部以上 被官媒人民日报转载 单片播放量千万以上 能以爱好发展到事业 是我觉得最幸运的事 希望能有机会拍一部长片 这是最大的梦想