Stories Lived

Mission: Wolf

Wolves are a predator that were once found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Of course, cultural development has resulted in the extirpation of wolves from many regions, including the United States of America. Historically, colonization into the U.S. caused wolves to be exterminated from nearly all of the continuous, lower, forty-eight states. Minnesota was the only state harboring native gray wolves after the nation-wide bounty eliminated the species from all other states. As time went on, wolf advocates and conservationists work to fight for the protection of the wolves.

During the 1900s, wolves have been reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park and into the Southwestern United States. Since then, the populations have grown throughout its range, expanding into other states. Today, more than 5,000 wolves live in the lower, forty-eight states. Conservationists and advocates continue to fight for the protection of wolves.

One wolf advocate, Kent Weber, lives in Colorado. A state home to the Rocky Mountains and some lush, green montane habitats. An environment lacking native wolf populations. Driven by passion, Kent built a wolf sanctuary, Mission: Wolf, to harbor rescued, captive wolves. His goal is to use the wolves as a source of education, both at the sanctuary and throughout the country. Through education, he wishes to change people’s perceptions on wolves as their populations continue to grow. As wondering individuals continue to find their way into Colorado, Kent wishes that someday, his sanctuary will eventually become a preserve to wolf packs calling Colorado their home.

To learn more about Mission: Wolf, visit:


About the Filmmaker
Submitted by Trevor LaClair

Trevor is a Graduate Student at Miami University working towards a Master’s Degree in Biology. Throughout the year, he works seasonal jobs as an environmental and outdoor educator. Animals are his passion. After growing up on a farm, he spent his college years participating in research and volunteering at wildlife sanctuaries.

Trevor obtained an interest in outdoor communications as a source of education, reaching out to people throughout the world. As a result, he created his website,, so that he can follow his dream as a wildlife film-maker and presenter.

He’s traveled to Mexico and Tanzania in order to learn more about wildlife conservation. This summer he will be traveling to Austraila to explore the Great Barrier Reef. As an explorer, he also participates in the following activities: backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, snorkeling, scuba diving, mountain biking, snow boarding, and more.
If you wish to follow Trevor, then check out his website and social media.


Twitter: @trevor_laclair
Instagram: @trevorlaclair
Facebook: @trekkingwithtrevor